Spacecraft nonlinear estimation and control using mag-netic measurements and actuation: A modified state-dependent riccati equation approach

Mohammad Abdelrahman, Sang Young Park

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

2 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents the duality property of a Modified State-Dependent Riccati Equation MSDRE approach in optimal estimation and control. A nonlinear controller using the MSDRE is developed through a pseudo-linearization of spacecraft augmented nonlinear dynamics and kinematics. Based on the duality property of the MSDRE, the full-state information required for the controller is provided by a MSDRE estimator for spacecraft three-axis attitude and rate estimation based on the magnetometer measurements and their time derivatives. The spacecraft is controlled via magnetic actuation only using magnetorquers in a momentum bias system. The stability of the controller/estimator is investigated through Lyapunov function analysis. The presented approach has shown the capability of estimating the attitude better than 5 deg and rate of order 0.03 deg/s while, keeping the pointing accuracy within 5 deg with pointing stability of less than 0.05 deg/s in each axis.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventAIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference - Toronto, ON, Canada
Duration: 2010 Aug 22010 Aug 5

Publication series

NameAIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference


OtherAIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference
CityToronto, ON

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work is supported by the Korean Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) through the National Research Laboratory Program funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (No. M10600000282-06j0000-28210).

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Control and Systems Engineering


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