Hyaluronic acid hydrolysis using vacuum ultraviolet TiO2 photocatalysis combined with an oxygen nanobubble system

Sung Yeon Cho, Seokjae Lee, Kyungjik Yang, Young Min Kim, Deokyeong Choe, Jeong Un Kim, Dong Un Lee, Jiyong Park, Young Hoon Roh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Advanced technologies for producing high-quality low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (LMW-HA) are required from the perspective of cost-efficiency and biosafety. Here, we report a new LMW-HA production system from high molecular weight HA (HMW-HA) using vacuum ultraviolet TiO2 photocatalysis with an oxygen nanobubble system (VUV-TP-NB). The VUV-TP-NB treatment for 3 h resulted in a satisfactory LMW-HA (approximately 50 kDa measured by GPC) yield with a low endotoxin level. Further, there were no inherent structural changes in the LMW-HA during the oxidative degradation process. Compared with conventional acid and enzyme hydrolysis methods, VUV-TP-NB showed similar degradation degree with viscosity though reduced process time by at least 8-fold. In terms of endotoxin and antioxidant effects, degradation using VUV-TP-NB demonstrated the lowest endotoxin level (0.21 EU/mL) and highest radical scavenging activity. This nanobubble-based photocatalysis system can thus be used to produce biosafe LMW-HA cost-effectively for food, medical, and cosmetics applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number120178
JournalCarbohydrate Polymers
Publication statusPublished - 2023 Jan 1

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Polymers and Plastics
  • Materials Chemistry


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